The Unknown

    At first, the gate was knocked softly, but, when the gatekeeper got near the gate and refused to open it because the visitors didn’t speak up, Jerry, the leader of the assassins jumped in and pushed him into his small house. Then, he opened the gate gently for his only accomplice to come in with him.

    The two walked inside the house briskly, leaving the gate wide open as they opened the door to the living room too. Jerry looked around the living room and dining room but found no one. He climbed the stairs and checked the first room, second one, third and even the fourth, but couldn’t find the so-called Mike as Chief had told him.

    He got to the last room and zeroed his mind that if Mike wasn’t in any of the rooms, he would definitely be in that last one. Breaking the door, he walked in suddenly and a handkerchief was pressed on his nose for some seconds while his mouth was closed so that he wouldn’t breath. Just when he dropped his head, just as if he was asleep already, Jerry tapped his finger. “Carry him.” He said to his accomplice and walked out.

    The young guy in his early twenties carried Henry accross his shoulder. As they stepped forward, Henry opened his eyes and closed it quickly. He noticed his vision was really blurred, but, he didn’t fall asleep because he made sure he didn’t inhale from the handkerchief but the little scent he could still smell had blurred his vision.

    He was pushed at the backseat of the vehicle parked outside as Jerry and his man hopped into the car and drove on. But, Henry was very groggy as he pretended to be asleep there. He would open his eyes but all was still blurr. He knew if he had inhaled from the handkerchief, he sure would be snoring that time. But it wasn’t possible for him not to have sniffed the scent at all, at least when it was removed from his nose, he could still smell the scent around his moustache and nose.

    He couldn’t rack his brain then, just opening his eyes and closing it almost immediately. The journey continued, the guys never stopped.


    The Prince who drove out of his company never bothered to follow Beatrice, but the cab Vivian entered into. He could read it in Beatrice that she had an irascible behaviour. He hadn’t done much, just admiring Vivian. But, if he even did much, should she be that grouchy? But, Vivian wasn’t a ferocious type. Or else, she would have slapped Beatrice as she she slapped her too.

    But, was he doing the right thing? He just wanted to know if she was fine and apologise for causing her the trouble. From all observations, it seemed she had been sacked already and he had made her loose her job.

    He finally followed her to Victoria’s place of work and parked as she came down from the vehicle. He could see her still holding on to her left cheek, it must have been a bad bash from Beatrice. He waited for a while when he noticed that the cab driver was still at the front of the company too, it seemed she just went in to get something.

    After some minutes, he saw her, Victoria and Anthony walk outside and she waved at Victoria as she walked into the vehicle with Anthony. “Is she married?” Edward asked himself as he kicked the engine when Anthony locked the door. The car would move anytime.

    He kept following them, at least to know where they lived.


    It was the derelict part of the house. Dirty, dusky and dank. Henry was thrown into the small room and the door was locked up. He wasn’t tied already, the guys still thought he was fast asleep when they dropped him in there and left so as to get the materials needed to glue him inside the room there.

    Henry, so-called Mike opened his eyes and he just saw some tiny holes from the roof that brought in rays of sunlight, but the room was dark and dirty as he could see. It seemed he was getting better but not totally well. He had tried to listen to the guys’ conversations while bringing him there, he couldn’t comprehend most of the things as the guys spoke.

    His vision was getting better. At least he could see how dirty the room was, even in that tenebrous state. He shook his head and thought of what was best for him to do. Suddenly, his heart began to race faster, as if he could see the shadow of death dancing around him.

     He held his breath for a while and sat up, giving out the long held breath. He swung his head to both left and right but saw no one. His eyes was getting habituated with the stygian confinement, so, it seemed he could see some packed materials in a corner there. He couldn’t tell if he was in a room or a different house. But, it really didn’t look like a house, it looked like a room without asbestos, just roofing sheets that had some holes in it.

    He couldn’t tell where the crusty trepidation was coming from, but he really felt something bad would happen to him very soon. He reached for his mobile phone to call Nicholas to save him. But, he didn’t know the exact place to tell him he was, besides he just remembered something. Yes, he remembered the guys kept mentioning a name till they got to that place where he was dropped. The name, he rolled his eyes as he looked round the place he was dropped. It was The Unknown.

    He pressed the side button of his mobile phone and unlocked it. He was searching for his mobile number and still turning his head around, if he was save.

    The door broke open and four guys stormed in.


    Prince Edward watched Vivian as she came down with her son and paid the cab driver. “This is her abode.” He muttered under his breath as he drove off and hardly took his eyes off the two as they started battling with their gate.

    He couldn’t tell what exactly that had came over him. He just thought a spirit was actually controlling him, if not, what would he call what was going wrong with him? He felt that was love at first sight, or was he attracted by her beauty? Yes, it seemed so! He couldn’t hold it back as he saw Vivian walk into his office but to confess her beauty.

    He battled with his thoughts as he drove on. Have I ever seen a lady as beautiful as this? He kept asking himself series of questions. By the way, if nothing would make him like her, her personality would change his mind. Even though Beatrice was churlish, Vivian could hold herself back. It seemed she was fastidious, a flabby type who isn’t weak but demure.

    Or was she trying to be coquettish because of the Prince? No, that wouldn’t be. She didn’t look like one who liked the Prince, why would she want to win his attention or admiration? He continued battling with the thoughts in his mind.

    He didn’t even know what to do. He felt like turning back to meet Vivian, but, would that be the best idea? He pulled out of the road and marched on the break. Why on earth had it been so difficult to get her outta his mind? He blasted as he took a close look at his phone that buzzed.

    It was King’s brother- Harry.


    Was he seeing the right thing? They were really four, or more than? Sure, they were just four guys. One of them was tall, lanky with oval head like that of water melon. He could see him with a cutlass that dazzled and reflected the sun to his eyes.

    The door had been flipped open, so, the darkness had faded away and he could see the light now. They didn’t look as if they had come to wisecrack with him, but these guys were serious, blisteringly serious!

    The other three guys almost looked the same. They had broad shoulders and likely to have thick and husky voices. Their faces were as dark as charcoal and each one held a gun. Their hands weren’t as soft as rice paper but as he could see, as hard as iron. Such hand must not be used on someone without giving up a ghost instantly. It looked as if the three guys were trained in the same place, or possible given birth to, by the same mother.

    “You came to spy on our Engineer, isn’t it?” One of them blustered. He had said it, the voices of the latter three would be thick and husky. As presumed, this voice was even huskier than thought, thundering the whole places as he spoke and moved closer to him.

    He shivered. What would he say? He was even short of ideas that he kept his head low after he had examined the four of them. “Can’t you talk?” Another voice boomed near him.

    “I know what he wants, once I throw one at his ankle, he will speak up.” That made him actually know he was done for. That was a threat….



  1. I wish d update didn’t stop there. This story is breathtakingly interesting, u r such a gud writer. More strength to ur muscles so as 2 type lengthier updates. Tanx.


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